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Wednesday, 18 November 2015

What shall I make next?

What shall I crochet next is the question that has been playing on my mind for the last week. I have just finished my striped blanket, which I am very pleased with.  The yellow, orange and gold are very bright and cheerful.

I wanted it to have a special cover, so I decided to make a cushion cover for it.  This means it now has two uses; as a blanket, or as a cushion.  I am very pleased with the result.

Mulling over my next crochet project, and not wanting to be sat idle, my eye fell on a knitting pattern for a lovely baby blanket.  Now knitting is not my favourite thing to do - I much prefer crocheting - but I so loved the look of the baby blanket decided to give it a go.  All went swimmingly until I tried to knit whilst watching television. Needless to say I have had to undo most of my knitting. I have started again and have found that if I write down the repeat for each row, on a separate piece of paper, I can follow the pattern a lot more easily.  (Here's hoping).

Focussing my mind on the knitting helped me to decide on my next crochet project. I think it will be another striped blanket.  I have picked out the colours, but have yet to decide on a design.

In the meantime, will crack on with the knitted blanket, but will give the television a miss when I am knitting.